Preparing wall surfaces for painting is the vital to a great paint job! Interior Paint prep work consists of patching your wall surfaces, sanding, and also cleaning up away drywall dust so your finished walls emerge magnificently! Exterior paint preparation consists of using a light tarp to protect flower beds and also shrubs, taping, and sanding any kind of needed outside objects, and power washing.
Interior and Exterior Painting Preparation

How We Scrape Paint in a Milliken Home

Old, flaking paint must be scratched from your wooden surface or your new paint will eventually deteriorate. Make certain the surfaces are completely dry. After that scuff towards the grain to prevent tearing the wood fibers as well as developing an unstable surface area for your primer. Obviously, a sharp scraper is the very best. You can buy hardened steel scrapes, or for about two times the cost, you can acquire carbide scrapes. Good quality scrapers all have disposable blades. You can quickly sharpen a steel scraper blade employing a fine steel file. The carbide blades last many times longer however should be developed with special tools. Buy replacement blades to have on hand.
Pluging Up Holes

We fill large holes and also gouges with a two-part substance filler such as a high quality lumber filler. You need to mix these setting kinds of fillers, however they stick far better to real wood than other fillers. Eliminate any kind of paint around the location prior to filling. You can pack nail holes with them as well. For small, superficial imperfections, apply an outside spackling substance. Fractures can be full of exterior caulk after priming.
Clearing the Painting Area

For a smooth interior painting preparation, you need to start with a clear area. Part of our indoor paint prep work involves the clearing up of space. Removing any type of drapes, mirrors as well as pictures, relocate furniture out of the area and cover more robust products with drop cloths. Remove any kind of fixtures as well as fittings we can before painting and also tape plastic around anything that can not be cleared away from the painting area. In addition, we comb or vacuum up any kind of dust and also thoroughly wash the wall surfaces prior to painting.
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