Do you want for your building?
Everything happens around the columns, and they come first. It's their demands that restrain.
In a larger building with post-and-beam structure, that is what causes it take place. Even in the planning stages, drafters have to abide by'grid discipline' - if you're going to have columns 2-4 feet apart in each direction, it's necessary for you to approach your inner design to accommodate . It's mandatory that you set your partitions so the columns are in line with them, you want to plan your own chambers so a column will not occur right in the center of an area (e.g., the living room of an apartment, or even some one's private business office ) and get in the way.
As a building will be assembled, the columns go up (specifically from the base ), and a beams and joists to your next floor, then the columns to get that ground, on and sometimes yet many flooring, until the beams and joists to the roof move from and also the construction is'laid out'. (That's the place they got their get together where they'plant a shrub' at the cap of the building.)
Smaller constructions - for example all homes, and also a lot of commercial buildings that are smaller sized, including strip facilities - use walls. The surface walls below the eaves of the roofing support that the arrangement ( also if you don't have a large open area (which can happen down cellar), the demand of interior columns doesn't show up that frequently. It can, some times. But, you may even have an interor load-bearing wall. But you can be a bit flexible using those.
(This probably is the reason your sadness against acquiring observed interior walls move in first in certain buildings, by obtaining observed it done either way )